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Hey :)))

 Omg it's my first blog. Kinda nervous but this is what taking chances is about...that sounded a lot less corny in my head. I am going to think of this as a digital journal where I can get my thoughts and feelings and experiences out. If you would like to join me for this ride, yayyyy. If you don't....suck my- never mind chile. ily ily ily 

(TW: death) The Artist






What you see is not what she see disfigurement, she sees moments that traumatized her, people who've hurt her..broken her down so much that she sees no other way but that or death. Death she'll never choose..will never let her mother shed another tear over losing a child..will never leave her friends in such a scary place so alone. Death she'll never choose. So instead she paints her story. Writes her narrative. Every line as descriptive as the next. Screams her thoughts down. Let's the pain out. It's hard and it hurts but she does it so she doesn't have to carry the pain in her heart and head. Once she starts expressing how she feels, it's hard to stop. The comments and the jokes of the day are just building up, waiting to be in the next piece. It's her's how she deals..some may not understand it but then again, it's not for anyone else to understand but her...What you see is not what she see disfigurement, she sees her life story...her art. 


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