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Hey :)))

 Omg it's my first blog. Kinda nervous but this is what taking chances is about...that sounded a lot less corny in my head. I am going to think of this as a digital journal where I can get my thoughts and feelings and experiences out. If you would like to join me for this ride, yayyyy. If you don't....suck my- never mind chile. ily ily ily 

Feelings Friday

Okay, so here's the thing...I a lot. And I think that it's good to release some of those emotions and feelings, so I can move forward. So I decided to create "Feelings Friday". Every Friday (or at least I hope lol), I will post about my week and how I've been feeling. Hopefully this helps me a bit.

This week started off very stressful for me. I was worried and stressed about my financial life and even though I just became a professional private tutor, I was worried that I wouldn't measure up well compared to other tutors.  Like I definitely feel like I need to study up on more middle and high school courses so that I can expand my clientele. I also interviewed with another tutoring site but I didnt get the position and that made me feel a bit discouraged. I added to my struggle with my self worth this week and that was the worst feeling ever. I thought this week was gonna be very bad week but then things started to turn around!

regarding my self worth, I had some conversations and it worked out in my favor. I felt a little more in control of the situation that I had been in, and that made me feel a lot better. And then a surprise came my way yesterday when I ended up upgrading my phone. It was a series of fortunate events because I had been struggling paying my phone bill these past few months and I had gotten so behind, but my sister had the best solution and now im on a family plan with her and can start over. Obviously ima set up a payment arrangement and finish paying what I owe on my old phone, but im cancelling that service. I think I am not ready to be on my own plan right now. I was able to handle it for almost 3 years but I needed help. So this week actually ended up on a great note. I would NOT thought that at the beginning of the week. 

How are y'all feeling??? I hope you're doing okay, but if not, you can talk to me :)


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